Tag Archives: index

A little more space in the foyer

When visiting the dashboard, things didn’t look too bad, but all those modules did not match anymore, and resizing for responsiveness just wasn’t happening. All that really needed to happen was a small tear down of the table cells, and a replacement of col-md-6 grids. I simple wrapper with id of #dashboard around everything for any other fine tuning and the page was ready to go.

The dashboard modules were now in need themselves though. It was all easy enough, just convert the tables to use bootstrap table and col-md-* classes and the current project page was finished. It was mostly repetitive search and replace work. As I had already changed the tep_image function to use Bootstraps responsive image class, I did have to set that class to false on the smaller icons that are found in the latest news and latest addons modules. Otherwise they all stacked 1 upon the other.

The reviews dashboard module received a little bit different treatment than the others. I did mark up every module to use a glyphicon when and where it could, and the review stars were no exception. Taking the newer review stars function from the catalog side of the osC to Bootstrap build and presto, an instant fit! I did notice however that the whole module had some overflow on mobile devices. So for this one module I added the Bootstrap table-responsive class. Seems to work out well. Just a simple finger swipe to view from one side to the other.

Thus far there have not been any customer sign ups, let alone orders, so I have not fully tested the customers and orders dashboard module, but I have a suspicious feeling they will need the same table-responsive class.

The flot charts needed a col-md-6 class added to them and that was it, but they sometimes like to tilt and sway on resize. Not enough to worry about though.

Overall a nice polished finish. A little wax and you can slide from one end to the other.

I am posting the changes to admin/index.php, but am not going to post each dashboard module,  You’ll have to find them on GitHub.